Le journal de mon séjour en Australie

Monday, April 02, 2007

Mini Tsunami à Sydney

Le ferry de Manly, celui que je prends 2 fois par jour, a été stoppé aujourd'hui pour cause d'alerte au Tsunami...

Comme on peut lire sur le site web du journal The Australian
"SYDNEY Ferries have resumed normal services after a tsunami alert following an earthquake off the Solomon Islands.
The services were suspended due to concerns about being able to dock ferries safely at wharves, because of a change in swell conditions, a Sydney Ferries spokesman said.

Buses replaced ferry services between Manly and Circular Quay from 10.30am (AEST), while passengers on the eastern suburbs service, taking in Watsons Bay, Rose Bay, Double Bay and Garden Island, were also advised to catch local bus services."

Me demande si je ne vais pas prendre le bus ce soir...